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Данные о знакомстве

Хочу встретить     Мужчину
Возраст партнёра    45 - 67
Цель знакомства    Знакомство для брака
Семейный статус    Не замужем
Дети    У меня дети есть, живут отдельно

Личные данные
Возраст    45 лет   
Рост          162 cm
Вес            65 кг.
Национальность / Религия    Другое
Этнический тип    Европейский
Владение языками    Английский
Возможность переезда     Согласна на переезд в другую страну
Строение тела     Спортивное
Цвет волос     Русый
Цвет глаз     Карие
Род деятельности     Работаю
Сфера занятости     Финансы
Социоэкономический статус     Мой доход выше среднего
Жильё     Я живу в собственной квартире/доме
Передвижение     У меня своя машина или мотоцикл
Отношение к курению     Я вообще не курю
Отношение к спиртному     Пью редко в кругу знакомых
Обо мне An incorrigible idealist by nature, honesty and reliability mean more to me than material goods! Sociable, cheerful, inquisitive and sometimes I get too hot, but I really like to argue 😊 I am looking for a kind, decent, selfless man who is readily able to provide support! A responsible and reliable friend, an open person and not indifferent to other people’s problems-) In turn, I prefer to surround myself only with people I can rely on. I also want to find a person who is as sociable as I am, I have numerous acquaintances with whom it is just interesting to communicate and have fun. I have excessive directness; however, I try to combine directness with tact and respect for the feelings of others. I would like to have the same attitude towards myself . I love the truth in an elegant and playful way. I will add a note of romance to my biography of feelings and wishes; my love for horses is a lifelong hobby ; If you love fragrances, perfumes, ylang-ylang, and have the qualities of a real man, then our friendship and meeting will take place.
Хочу найти в партнере: An incorrigible idealist by nature, honesty and reliability mean more to me than material goods! Sociable, cheerful, inquisitive and sometimes I get too hot, but I really like to argue 😊 I am looking for a kind, decent, selfless man who is readily able to provide support! A responsible and reliable friend, an open person and not indifferent to other people’s problems-) In turn, I prefer to surround myself only with people I can rely on. I also want to find a person who is as sociable as I am, I have numerous acquaintances with whom it is just interesting to communicate and have fun. I have excessive directness; however, I try to combine directness with tact and respect for the feelings of others. I would like to have the same attitude towards myself . I love the truth in an elegant and playful way. I will add a note of romance to my biography of feelings and wishes; my love for horses is a lifelong hobby ; If you love fragrances, perfumes, ylang-ylang, and have the qualities of a real man, then our friendship and meeting will take place.

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