Что ищут мужчины на сайте знакомств
♥ 0 My partner should be bold and always beat . Must be family oriented and God fearing person .
Jgarthd 55
♥ 0 I would like to meet someone who has a relationship with the Lord. Who isn’t connected to social media. A woman who values communication and relationship. I want to grow and know my wife deeply.
Clark 36
♥ 0 Ehrlichkeit, Vertrauen, Offenheit, Harmonie, Respektvoller Umgang, keine Beleidigungen Loyalität.
David 38 Дельменхорст
♥ 0 Vielleicht jemand der wie auch mal Sachen anpackt und Nägel mit Köpfen macht. Auf jeden Fall niemanden antriebslosen wie meine Ex.
Artjom 35 Пфорзхейм
♥ 0 - I want to find a good woman with whom I can build a future together, for a committed relationship. Someone who will love and appreciate me, not use me and discard as a broken tool. Someone whom I can trust. - I value a woman who has honor and virtue, and loyalty. - Since I am a virgin man, I also expect the woman to be a virgin too. Or at most one prior sexual partner, with the right reasons (widowed, etc). I believe in traditional monogamous committed relationships. No casual sex, no open relationship, no "fuck around and find out", no sexual perversions, I’ll have none of that. Only for devoted sex within the family, not outside. - A woman who wants a children, not abortion. - A woman who will treat me well, no abuse, no fighting, no arguing, no cheating, no gaslighting, no manipulation, no demonization, no stealing property. I’m looking for moral values, common sense, a genuine human soul, having self-awareness, a heart of gold. Not an evil or corrupted person. - No substance abuse either. - A woman from Gen Z, my generation. Not older than that. - Someone who believes in true love, meaning a soul mate relationship, not simply a marriage of convenience. Trust is the foundation of a loving relationship, open yourself up completely. - Someone whom I can devote myself to, who is worthy that I can live for her. Because we all need to live for someone or something otherwise life is meaningless. A higher purpose can be found in love and relationship. - Devote your body and soul to me, and I’ll repay you 10 fold. Me and You VS a harsh and difficult world, like two comrades on the battlefield. - Don’t betray the trust.
Constantine 27
♥ 0 In meinem Partner suche ich Ehrlichkeit, Humor und eine positive Ausstrahlung. Jemand, der das Leben genießt, gerne lacht und offen für gemeinsame Abenteuer ist. Loyalität und gute Gespräche sind mir besonders wichtig – zusammen wachsen und das Beste aus jedem Moment machen.
Rami 37 Бохум
♥ 0 Взаимопонимание. Чтобы что-то требовать от человека наперёд, нужно самому обладать этими качествами.
Александр 41 Бонн